Coloured Profile

Customers can choose the colours they want. Enhancing the look of their home and office spaces. They can also opt for windows and doors with one colour on the inside, and a totally different one for the outside.


As an Ökotech fabricator-partner, you can offer customers a range of lamination & texture options, including natural wood finish in Golden Oak, Walnut, Rustic Oak, Dark Oak or Mahogany. Or simply an elegant white.

Dark Oak
Golden Oak


Offer your customers a wide choice of glass. Filter sunlight with tinted glass, soak in great views with clear glass, get the benefit of enhanced security with laminated glass. If some customers prefer enhanced privacy, they can opt for frosted glass.

Tinted Glass
Laminated Glass
Clear Glass
Frosted Glass

Glazing Types

Your customers can choose between single, double or triple glazed glass units for the Ökotech uPVC windows and doors you will fabricate. Deliver on thermal efficiency, and for increased security, customers can opt for toughened glass.

single glazing uPVC windows and doors

Single Glazing
Single glazing includes just one single layer of glass.

double glazing uPVC windows and doors customization options

Double Glazing
In double glazing, two layers of glass are sealed together with an air space left in between the two for better thermal performance.

o 10 profile series uPVC windows and doors

Triple Glazing
Triple glazing refers to three layers of glass sealed together with an air space left in between the three layers for better thermal performance.